Fine Art on Sale

At Solvang Antiques, we take great pride in our fine art collection, exhibiting original works of art dating from the 18th century through the present. These antique, vintage, and contemporary art pieces feature various mediums, such as bronze, pastel, and oil, and come at a tremendous value.

Unsigned Snowy Ranch Oil Painting
Size or Length
Vintage unsigned Snowy Ranch oil painting, 1980-90. This vintage painting is attributed to Howard Carr...
Original price was: $1,600.00.Current price is: $800.00.
Keith Batcheller Master of the Hen House #2 oil on canvas. This Keith Batcheller painting...
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Dirk Foslien Rembrandt’s Father after Rembrandt oil on canvas. This Dirk Foslien painting comes framed...
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Antique European bear monkey grinder bronze, circa 1900. This antique bronze sculpture depicts a bear...
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Antique Christofle pirate monkey cook silver plate bronze sculpture, circa 1900. This anthropomorphic bronze sculpture...
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Antique French James Garnier Art Nouveau pair bronze winged fairy vases, circa late 19th century....
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Dirk Foslien Monterey Bay oil on board. This Dirk Foslien painting comes framed as shown....
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Joe Mancuso Expecting Snow pastel painting. This Joe Mancuso painting comes framed under glass. Dimensions...
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Vintage M Baron Seascape & Coast oil painting. This vintage oil on canvas seascape painting...
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Antique pair of fencer sculptures, circa 1900. This pair of fencers is cast in white...
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Dirk Foslien Point Lobos Reserve oil on canvas. This Dirk Foslien painting comes framed as...
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
Antique praying child bronze sculpture, circa 1890. This antique bronze sculpture of a child praying...
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $750.00.
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